HireAbility has partnered with some of its clients to create a snapshot summary of meaningful information about a candidate based on resume or CV parsing results. This is a snapshot summary of items that are important to our clients and their end users. Sometimes recruiters simply want a quick summary
Read more →We are running a booth (#543) at the HR Technology Conference held at the Venetian in Las Vegas on Wednesday, September 12th and Thursday the 13th. Come by to say hello, meet our team, pick up some of our materials and learn more about our products. We look forward to
Read more →HireAbility introduces enhanced support for Portuguese language. HireAbility has long been at the forefront of the parsing industry. Our decision to remain focused on constantly refining our parsing engine means that our customers are always treated to the best of the parsing technology including the most current and complete language
Read more →2017 so far has been an exciting year here at HireAbility. We have worked hard on support for RTL (right-to-left) world languages and now provide full parsing support for Hebrew and Arabic. HireAbility has had full support for Japanese and Chinese languages for a while now but we were able
Read more →We are running a booth (#2350) at the HR Technology Conference held at the Venetian in Las Vegas on Wednesday, October 11th and Thursday the 12th. Come by to say hello, meet our team, pick up some of our materials and learn more about our products. We look forward to
Read more →Pause to consider why it is that Wall St. is all abuzz about ‘quants’ and the use of algorithms. Or why major brokerage houses announce their application of artificial intelligence with ‘robotic’ advisors to manage your finances. Although these PhDs in mathematics and physics are no doubt, rocket scientists, and
Read more →HireAbility will be running a booth (#2350) this year at the HR Technology Conference held at the Venetian in Las Vegas on Wednesday, October 11th and Thursday the 12th. We invite you all to stop by to learn how ALEX, our world-class Resume/CV and Job Posting Parsing Software can add
Read more →HireAbility announces support for Job Order JSON standard. With more recruitment technologies becoming available on mobile devices, the demand for a lighter weight communication protocol has increased significantly. HireAbility previously implemented the HR-XML Consortium’s JSON specification for resumes and CVs when it first came out in 2013. To make the
Read more →Cambridge-based tech company ThisWay Global has selected HireAbility as its partner for providing an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered job vacancy matching service for the recruitment industry. Read more about ThisWay Global and the new partnership: https://www.thiswayglobal.com/blog/press-release/thisway-global-launches-strategic-partnership-with-hireability-to-power-recruitment-with-artificial-intelligence/?utm_content=buffer239d4&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Read more →We at HireAbility are pleased to announce that Cambridge-based tech company ThisWay Global has selected HireAbility as its partner for providing an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered job vacancy matching service for the recruitment industry. Read more about ThisWay Global and the new partnership: ThisWay Global launches A-round funding following customer demand
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