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ALEX Resume Prsing / CV Parsing Solutions News
HireAbility Resume Parser now fully supports résumé and CV parsing in
English • Chinese • French • Italian • Spanish • Hebrew • Arabic • Portuguese • Dutch • German • Norwegian • Swedish • Finnish • Danish • Russian • Ukrainian • Polish • Czech • Slovak • Croatian • Serbian • Slovenian • Romanian • Hungarian • Lithuanian • Bulgarian • Greek • Vietnamese • Thai • Korean • Japanese   along with many ‘flavors’ and dialects.
In addition there is no need to specify in what language your resume or CV is written. ALEX is ‘smart’ enough to figure it out. HireAbility’s CV and Resume Parser also supports multiple languages and locales in the same document.

Did You Know?

  • HireAbility does not store any of your resume or job data.
  • You can integrate HireAbility’s world-class resume and job vacancy parser into your current Oracle Fusion Cloud workflow.
  • HireAbility’s Resume Parser recognizes and parses out data from a Matters (Legal Matters) section that appears mostly in legal and lawyer resumes and CVs.
  • HireAbility’s resume parsing and job parsing online demos have just got a new look. We added new features and made various enhancements and updates for a better and smoother user experience. Sign up for your 30-day free trial to gain access to both demos.
  • HireAbility provides scalable private cloud resume, job and CV parsing solutions anywhere in the world.

Ready to Integrate?

Resume / CV Parser Integration

All it takes is a product code you receive with your trial and a few lines of code.

We provide free integration consultations and integration code samples. If you do not see a code sample in the language of your choice, we will create it for you.

GDPR Compliance.

HireAbility Resume Parser / CV Parser GDPR Compliance

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) became effective on May 25th 2018. The purpose of the legislation was to give EU citizens greater control over the data that they provide online. As a data processor HireAbility does not store personally identifiable information and is 100% GDPR compliant. For more information on GDPR and how HireAbility maintains compliance please read our GDPR statement.

About Resume Parsing.

Resume / CV Parser Integration

What is Resume Parsing?

Resume parsing is a process of converting a free-format resume text, CV and social media profile into a structured data format.

What are the Benefits of Resume Parsing?

Resume parsing eliminates the need for manual data entry. It allows applicants and companies to easily create and save meaningful data. Using the parser to structure resume data drastically impacts searching and display capabilities of an application. Resume parsing significantly improves candidate to job matching and search results.

Who uses Resume Parsers?

In today’s world of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), Job Boards and social media, a resume parser is a component that sits between the application and a database. Résumés in all formats and of all file types go into the parser either one at a time or resume parsing in bulk and structured profile data comes out.

Afterwards, there is a number of different ways to use the structured parsed data. Some examples include displaying the data in a nice human readable format to your customers or removing the contact information and submitting the candidate to a client for consideration.

Many companies also save the parsed data in a database. When search engines like SOLR, Lucene, Elastic Search and others index the parsed data, they will deliver precise results as the data will be searched in context. Companies also used the entire parsed context from the resume to find other resumes that are similar to that candidate and to compare the results to parsed Jobs.

How do Resume Parsers and Job Parsers work together?

During the process semantic analysis and rules help in creation of hierarchies (trees) of competencies and skills. This approach aids in precision of future database searches. Similarly, the same rules are used to create a set of competencies from job orders and vacancies.